There are SO many ways that you can spend your energy, time, money and resources this coming year - many that will distract you, fragment your energy, or keep you so busy in the day to day grind you never get the space to do what truly matters. Instead of having the space to focus on the projects & people and your own personal wellbeing that mean alot to you this year, you end up giving your time and energy to what is most urgent, demanding, productive or profitable. We are programmed to self sabotage and self sacrifice. 

Which is why wise women who lead the feminine way take a POWER PAUSE at the start of the new year, to look ahead, tap into their Inner Wisdom, feel into their heart and get really clear on WHAT MATTERS MOST this coming year... in their work, relationships and personal health. 

And which is why, I Christine Arylo, am inviting you into this Feminine Power Time where I will:

Share how you can use your Feminine Super Power of Creating Space to create the time to do what really matters to you, even in the midst of many responsibilities and a full schedule. 

Lead you through a 3-step inner wisdom journey to connect into what truly matters most to you in the 3 areas of our lives that when tended to elevate you out of overwhelm... so you have space to nourish your projects, relationships and body.
  Help you claim and name what is matters most to you in your work, your relationships and your physical wellbeing, so you can get the support and create the space to focus on these in 2018 - no matter how much there is to do!

To learn more about visioning, planning and focusing your year the feminine way, tune into the Salon on A Different Way to Dream (the previous podcast). Or receive the video of the session at

To learn more about living, leading and succeeding the feminine way, Feminine Super Power Year, go to