We need sisterhood more than ever. Not just one friend or one group of women we relate to - but multiple 'circles' of women
 with different levels of intimacy, relationship, and connection that can be there with us and for us as we navigate through the intense and uncertain world we live in. 

Cultivating strong circles of sisterhood are our life saving devices during these intense and uncertain times.

With strong circles and connection to circles of other women -
that we are part of consistently, that we can reach out to in times of crisis or challenge, that know us, hold us and love us unconditionally- we can weather any storm that comes our way AND we gain the strength, courage and compassion to stretch in all the ways we are being called to grow and change.

Join Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor and wisdom teacher, and Shasta Nelson, friendship expert, for an illuminating and thought provoking conversation and exploration that includes: 

How can you strengthen your circle of sisterhood?
 Female health fact that might surprise you + the difference between BELONGING and CONNECTING
 Why friendships don't just happen - get more conscious about the ingredients and actions for calling in + deepening your female connections
 The 3 components all friendships need to thrive 
 Why all friendships don't progress to deeper connections + how to tell which ones have the potential for growth
 What to do when you are feeling a 'sisterhood deficit'?
 What you desire NOW to strengthen your sisterhood connections?

To learn more about creating gatherings/circles/programs that create connection and transformation for women - check out www.TheArtofSacredCircle.com - a training and creative incubator that starts Nov 9th with Christine Arylo and featuring Shasta Nelson. 

To read the full blog that goes with this episode go to http://christinearylo.com/2017/10/cultivating-circles-of-sisterhood/