About two to three timess a year I feel the call to do one of these Feminine Wisdom for Intense and Changing Times sessions - where we take a pause, put our wise woman / wise being glasses on and take a deeper look at what is going on in the Field (the bigger collective world) and in our field (our own inner experiences, relationships and reality.)

So we can see what is real, what is needed, what the patterns are, and find the wisdom to navigate the now and the next. 

This session was taped live during the time span between July 25th and August 8th which is always a powerful time to elevate and expand your consciousness ... and liberate yourself from stuff you just don't want to carry with you or create from (you can google Mayan Day Out of Time, Lammas, Leo New Moon, or 8 8 Lions Gate to learn more). 

The intention of our exploration is to give you perspectives & practices to prepare you for the now and the next. 

Some of the wisdom models, practices and tools we'll work with is:

Triangle of Transformation Sovereignty in the Swirl This is not that Co-Create from Momentum and Intention  Be aware of the now and what's needed, AND keep the long game in mind. Put energy in both. Focus on your part and your design. If you are not clear, create this space to get clear this year. EOE - Evidence of Elevation EOM - Evidence of Momentum

Lots of good wisdom to share - that's all I am going to say here. Tune in for more. Resources below. 


Upcoming Classes, Feminine Leadership & Professional Develoment Programs 

1. Choosing ME & WE - 4 Week Relationship Pop Up with me and Noah Martin, my partner.  Starts August 9th. 

2. Overwhelmed and Over It: Path to Sustainable Success, Impact & Wellbeing - 4 month Council & Experience for Professional Women - Starts first week of October.

3. Self Love Essentials - 12-week Training for those who guide others in emotional, mental, physical, spiritual and relational wellness. Starts Sept 13th  www.SelfLoveTraining.com 

4. Gather and Guide Your People - A Feminine Leadership Training, Creative Catalyst & Collaborative Council - for people who do or desire to create potent experiences -workshops, programs, classes, circles, events, retreats - online and in person - that lead to real connection & lasting transformation... AND sustain you. Starts early November. www.GatherandGuideYourPeople.cpm  

To get notifications of events, programs and happening - subscribe to my Wisdom Letter e-mail list at https://christinearylo.com/wisdom-letter-signup/

Or join the Feminine Wisdom Cafe, our private online community at https://community.christinearylo.com/share/ICzZ3ZdHAspOUkyQ?utm_source=manual


1. Triangle of Transformation - video and model posted on Feminine Wisdom Cafe here. https://community.christinearylo.com/posts/how-we-make-change-meet-uncertainty-the-wise-way

2. The Feminine Super Power of Catalyze Podcast #161 - https://christinearylo.com/2021/08/161-feminine-super-power-catalyze-release-the-comfortable-embrace-the-call-to-shift/