In today's episode, we're gonna be talking about something that I am really passionate about. It's at the heart of the work that I do within my coaching and consulting business, it’s the benefits of gender equality within organisations.

We have made huge progress over the last couple of years that are really supporting women. Things like flexible working, policies around compassionate leave for miscarriages and also menopause support. There are a lot more things in place but that is off the back of really going backwards during lockdown.

The story for women through lockdown is that they tend to step into the breach and carry more of the invisible load at home. So juggling huge roles at work with homeschooling, keeping things ticking along at home and all of the invisible load that goes with it. This actually meant that the gender pay gap went from 100 years to 136 years.

So what that means is, if everything carries on the way it is within organisations, the gender pay gap will be closed within 136 years. Women are still routinely underpaid compared with men when filling the same roles


Here are the highlights:

(10:49) It will lead to a better economy (12:20) Improved productivity (15:02) Increased growth and innovation (17:57) More flexible working (20:05) A more stable workforce (22:39) Happier employees (23:36) Improved customer targeting (25:09) Better quality of life (26:02) Consumers care about a company’s ethics and social responsibility

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