This week, I’m joined by the fantastic Eleanor Tweddell who I have known for a couple of years and I was lucky enough to do my coach training with her. Eleanor is the founder of Another Door and is the author of ‘Why Losing Your Job Could Be the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You’. She helps individuals to rethink work and see opportunities through change.

We chat about what we can learn through change, how we can approach it differently, how it can help us evolve and so much more.

Here are the highlights:

(06:05) Eleanor’s career history (12:56) Questions about “who am I?” Can be overwhelming (21:51) The best leaders allow people to be bigger than them (26:15) There is always opportunity in change (32:31) Slow down so that you don’t miss the opportunities (35:07) How can you take a more grounded approach to change? (45:46) The cleverest thing a CEO can do is ask questions at the right moment


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About Eleanor:

Eleanor founded Another Door after a 23 year career in senior management for brands including Costa Coffee, Virgin Atlantic, Vodafone and now runs a consultancy supporting businesses to support employees through change.

Eleanor is the author of ‘Why Losing Your Job Could Be the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You’, podcast host and clients include Channel 4, Harvey Nichols and Reach plc. She also coaches individuals to rethink work and see opportunity in change.



LinkedIn: @EleanorTweddell

Podcast: Another Door Podcast