When first starting out, Facebook ads can be a great first step in musicians promoting their music. Music promotion services or PR firms should be used when musicians are in the fourth stage of their music career. Fill out the form if you are interested in learning about my strategy in creating Facebook ads. You’ll be the first to hear about the workshop when it becomes available!
Using music promotion services is a great idea for people who are in the fourth stage of their music career. This is a time where musicians have had a lot of experience with performing, doing music videos and have a fairly large fanbase. Before musicians get to that point, though, there is an easier (and cheaper) way to promote themselves.  
10 reasons why Facebook Ads are a better choice than music promotion services:

Low barrier of entry, making it a common option for musicians with a limited budget.
Money goes directly to promotion, not paying someone like it would in a music promotion service.
Uses micro-targeting- targeting specific people in an audience.
Makes use of videos and live-streams to talk or perform for your audience.
Engagement with followers- you are able to comment on posts made on your ads.
You are able to give your audience a call to action. (Example: love it/share it)
Robust tracking. You are able to see how many people see, like, share and click on your ad. You can also see things like how many people watch a live stream and how many watch it on the replay and how many likes, shares, clicks, etc are generated from that. This includes conversion tracking, which shows you how much it cost you to get a person to buy something or join your email list.
They ares are testable. You can start out with just $5 and work from there, seeing what works best for you.
 Allows you to nurture people through their fan discovery journey (or funnel) by using calculated steps and retargeting people who don’t respond.
Can be utilized at every level of your music career.

To learn more about my strategy in creating Facebook ads that convert, join the waiting list for my future workshop. You’ll be the first to hear about it!

Bree Noble is an entrepreneur, musician and speaker. She founded Women of Substance Radio, an online radio station that promotes quality female artists in all genres, in 2007.  She launched the Women of Substance Music Podcast in November 2014, a 5 day per week show which promotes Independent female artists. Her podcast has hit #1 in New & Noteworthy for the Music, Arts and Society & Culture categories and #4 Audio Podcast on all of iTunes. She draws on her extensive experience running her own music business, both as a solo musician and as an Industry professional, to train and mentor other female musicians. Learn more about the station, the show and the artists atwww.wosradio.com. Connect with Bree on Twitter @BreeNoble or on Facebook or on Instagram @breenoblemusic

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