While setting up a series of Facebook Ads, I think about a journey that fans go on from not knowing who you are to becoming a raving fan. This has led to my ads being structured in a certain way that allows me to build a fanbase. If you are interested in learning more about my process in creating Facebook Ads, sign up for the waiting list. Once I have enough people interested, I will create a training on this topic.
The fan discovery journey is a lot like stairs. Potential fans are at the bottom and you are at the top. With each step closer, potential fans get to know more. They become more engaged and before you know it, they are your top fans. The easiest way to build a fanbase is to have your followers introduce you to their friends. Word of mouth is great because people trust friends. Whenever you create a newsletter or social media post, you should always include a call to action. Ask people to share your posts with their friends.
When you have exhausted all that, where do you find fans? That’s where the Fan Discovery Journey comes in. With this process, you will build a fanbase and start making money!

Find people who love music, starting with people that like the genre you are in. Show up in places where those people hangout. Example: Facebook Groups
Target the people who like artists similar to you. For example, if you think your music sounds like The Band Perry you want to be targeting people who already like that group.
Do your research. To speak the language they speak, you will need to know the songs of these artists, what kind of festivals they perform at or what they do on stage that makes them different. Watch videos and learn about their live shows. Relate those things to what you do.
Encourage them. Offer a sample of your music. For example, “If you really love Live Forever by The Band Perry, I know you’ll love this song.”
Ask them to like your facebook page. If you have fans, facebook will target people that are most like your fans. This is great for fb ads!
Engage with your new fans on video. You are being your authentic self and showing them who you are. This will get them commenting on your videos.
Invite them to go to your website and join your email list.
Offer an incentive for them to take action. A special deal just for someone who joins your email list can go a long way.

Find what works for you and your audience by testing this journey and altering it to your needs. If you are interested in learning more about how I structure my ads based on the discovery journey of fans, sign up for the waiting list. You will be notified as to when the training is.

Bree Noble is an entrepreneur, musician and speaker. She founded Women of Substance Radio, an online radio station that promotes quality female artists in all genres, in 2007.  She launched the Women of Substance Music Podcast in November 2014, a 5 day per week show which promotes Independent female artists. Her podcast has hit #1 in New & Noteworthy for the Music, Arts and Society & Culture categories and #4 Audio Podcast on all of iTunes. She draws on her extensive experience running her own music business, both as a solo musician and as an Industry professional, to train and mentor other female musicians. Learn more about the station, the show and the artists atwww.wosradio.com. Connect with Bree on Twitter @BreeNoble or on Facebook or on Instagram @breenoblemusic

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