Caitie Whelan (pronounced WHALE-in) is the Noter-in-Chief for the The Lightning Notes, a website that delivers short daily post to help us move the world forward. It features striking stories and great ideas to remind us that we matter and improving the world is our matter.

Caitie is not a writer by trait. Not long ago, she was a Senior Foreign Policy Advisor in Congress. After four years,  she decided it was time to take a dream deferred and put it out into the world.

In Part 2, we unveil the journey of Caitie’s departure from Washington, D.C. to Brooklyn, New York.  Transitioning from a comfortable life, envious career, stable income to what she calls “a total White Belt”.  Caitie discovered the magic of having abundance in other parts of her life such as creativity, inspiration, entrepreneurship.

Part 2:

What was the pilot process of Lightening Note Version 1?
What are some of key changes and decisions made transitioning to Brooklyn, New York?
What does Caitie mean by “seeking abundance in other parts of my life”?
Caitie’s belief: how we spend our money is how we spend our values
The Lightening Notes monetization model
Caitie’s question for Fei: How to decide on one’s next project? (What to put our limited time and energy into?)
The magic of NOT knowing
Caitie’s advice for those who are ready for transitions

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