When I started Feisworld Podcast in 2014, I knew very little about audio production, but I did know a thing or two about growing an audience (thanks to 12 years of working as a digital producer). 

In recent conversations with other podcasters, I casually unveiled a tactic I’ve been using since the inception of Feisworld to increase my podcast awareness and engagement. 

Most people have not heard of me, and I love interviewing unsung heroes, "getting the word out" isn't trivial. 

I hate gimmicks, and growing downloads alone didn't appeal to me. This approach below is for those who of you who want to grow your podcast in the long run. There's no quick fix. 

The one pre-requisite is that you need to have guests on the show to maximize impacts. 

Alternatively, if you are a one-man show but you discuss other people and topics, I can see some methods work in the same manner. Give them a shot and please let me know your feedback below in the comments area. 

What’s the one hidden gem? Simple:

You need to proactively reach out to organizations, schools, groups, people and TELL them about the episode when it comes out. 

Listen and read the blog: https://www.feisworld.com/blog/one-hidden-gem-to-increase-podcast-engagement-with-zero-budget