Wen-hao Tien is a visual artist, educator, and Assistant Director of Boston University Pardee School of Global Studies, Regional Studies.

Between 9/22-10/19. 2017 at the New Art Center in Newton, MA, Wen-Hao is showcasing a new collection called Weed Out.

I had the pleasure to visit her studio in Cambridge, where she transferred these wild weeds from random locations into a home garden. Along the way, she took pictures of these plants before they found their new home, and pictures of herself and people she encountered. 

“This installation contemplates the idea of wantedness and unwantedness, control and letting go, alienation and belonging, as well as the wholeness of our society.” 

Visit us on Feisworld.com for show notes, tools and resources: feisworld.com/blog/wenhao-tien