Our guest, Patricia Walsh Chadwick, has led one heckuva remarkable life. Plus, she is one of our own—a proud and feisty Baby Boomer. Her early years, however, were anything but feisty as she grew up in a secluded, Catholic, cult-like group consisting of 100 inhabitants (39 of them who were children.) Although she was reared to become obedient, selfless, and subservient, Patricia left the group at the tender age of seventeen to create the life she wanted.

In fact, Patricia went on to receive her BA in Economics from Boston University and enjoyed a successful 30-year career in the investment business, culminating as a Global Partner at Invesco. Today she sits on a number of corporate boards and blogs on economic, social, and political issues.

Her life-story is one of triumphing over overwhelming odds and she joins us to share all about her just released new book, Breaking Glass: Tales from the Witch of Wall Street. You will both moved and motivated by her entertaining and inspiring memoir.

So, if you enjoy a riveting story about a woman overcoming great challenges to live a life of purpose and meaning, you’ll want to make sure you catch this show!