Previous Episode: Decisions decisions
Next Episode: Respect yourself

We can't ignore the Tory party conference, try as hard as we might, and we kick off this week's podcast with our reflections on Theresa May's moves.

Ruth Davidson has been on a PR offensive for her new book while ignoring requests for serious political interviews. Gordon Brewer of the BBC and STV's Colin McKay finally got the chance to grill her, with very different results.

Lesley has had a long commitment to justice for Scotland's tenant farmers and her steely gaze turns on the scandal of the impending removal of the Telfer family from their border farm by the Duke of Buccleuch. She also reflects on Nicola Sturgeon's response to Joan McAlpine's question on this in the Scottish Parliament.

Historic Environment Scotland have been all over the news and social media with their refusal to allow the All Under One Banner marchers to congregate in Holyrood Park and the Yes walkers entry to Stirling Castle. Who are the HES's board and what influence do the great and good who populate similar civic institutions have in modern Scotland?

We return to, Donald Trump, and the DUP's Arlene Foster, and, as they both face serious questions on their future, their recent rallying cries to their base.

As usual I shoehorn in some musical and football references. Check out this week's title as well.