Previous Episode: The V&Tay
Next Episode: It's a legal matter

 We return, after some time, to the murky world of Trump and US politics as Christine Blasey Ford appears in front of the Senate Judiciary about the alleged sexual assault by Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Lesley asks if Kavanaugh can survive Blasey Ford's compelling testimony and that of his other accusers.

Trump defended Kavanaugh during his recent rambling, shambling, press conference. So bad that James Kelly sat with his head in his hands throughout most of it and Jared Kushner was caught on camera describing it with a word one expletive.

In complete contrast, Lesley was impressed by Jeremy Corbyn's closing speech to the Labour Party Conference in Liverpool. Has a radical gauntlet been thrown down for Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP?

I chip in on remarks made by Ian Lavery and Andy Kerr at the conference and wonder if a blanker "Labour bad" approach is smart politics from independence supporters.

We've avoided Brexit for a wee while but can no longer given what happened in Salzburg. Is No Deal now inevitable? Will there be a General Election in November? Can Theresa May survive? And, given the RHI scandal, can her confidence and supply partner Arlene Foster hang in there with her?

All the above, and more, plus a wee bonus announcement about the new Nation film on Norway right after a false ending.