In this episode, Coach Shangrila talks with Seiko who shares her strategies, insights and story about qualifying for IM 70.3 World Championship on her 2nd half Ironman race despite having many obstacles and reasons to give up.


Finishing with a smile and injury-free, despite having shoulder, back & feet pain 3 months prior & heat, humidity & strong winds on the course:

- How to address nutrition & hydration to feel strong from start to finish even with brutal conditions (heat, wind, dust storm, prairie dogs holes, and humidity)

- How to train & prepare so that you finish with a smile, without feeling pain or like you are “dying” before the finish line

- What to do to address shoulder, back and feet pain

- What to do to overcome swim panic in open water despite having very limited pool & open water access, murky water at the race & race NOT being wetsuit legal