In Episode 30 geht's um Barrierefreiheit, Aufklärung bzw. die Gegenbewegung der Aufklärung, Feudalismus im Internet, zwei Interviews mit Gardner Campbell, bell hooks und natürlich auch wieder nationale Plattformen.

In Episode 30 geht’s um Barrierefreiheit, Aufklärung bzw. die Gegenbewegung der Aufklärung, Feudalismus im Internet, zwei Interviews mit Gardner Campbell, bell hooks und natürlich auch wieder nationale Plattformen.

Was wir trinken

Christian: Pernod

Markus: Bergmann Spezial

Marke 2:30

Feedback / Input

On the right to be forgotten in times of algorithms.

Could be a good topic for the next #FOEPodcast! @friedelitis @mdeimann #hksocdig

— Martina Emke (@MartinaEmke) June 1, 2017


Was ich am #FOEPodcast mag: Die kleinen ehrlichen Rants zwischendurch, diesmal #eassessment im #HFD (1:33:00)

— Matthias Andrasch (@m_andrasch) May 31, 2017


Marke 5:50

Was wir gemacht haben


Teilnahme an ED-ICT Meeting in Montreal
Beitrag in der FAZ, später auch beim HFD veröffentlicht

Blog Beitrag Gabi Reinmann

Marke 26:05


Virtually Connecting #MELSIG
Virtually Connecting #domains17
Migration Website Digital School
Beratung & Konzeption
Aufstieg Altona 93 in die Regionalliga
Podcast: neue URL und auf der OER Worldmap

Marke 32:00

Was wir gelesen haben

Martin Weller

Unenlightenment and elitism;
Unenlightenment and incuriosity:
Podcast Rückblick #OER17

Marke 40:55

Gardner Campbell Interviews

@friedelitis @mdeimann podcast-wunsch: kernsätze aus diesen @gardnercampbell-interviews:

— Martin Lindner (@martinlindner) May 28, 2017


Ergänzung zu Episode 28

Interview 1: Informing the Mission for Institutions of Higher Learning;

„Students should always, always be thinking about what they are doing, why they are here, and what they believe should happen as a result. This questioning is something we haven’t really built into the student experience — and we should.“

„I think faculty development should be a really good place to start to think about this. The heart of the university is its faculty. Questions of mission, of conceptual frameworks for learning, and of the complex nature of the digital opportunity — to think deeply in these areas should be natural for faculty. In every discipline I can imagine, faculty are always engaged with rich, fundamental questions. Too often, though, faculty development programs devolve into procedural and operational gatherings and workshops, which are valuable but not the result we are looking for if we want to contribute to the mission and to conceptual frameworks. “

„So tapping into ways for students to share their learning experience can inform the institution and the faculty on opportunities for richly interdisciplinary experiences. The „digital opportunity“ could make the student experience across a particular set of courses much more richly integrative and reflective, if we just ask students to make those connections in visible, public ways.“

Interview 2 Self-Directed Learning: Exploring the Digital Opportunity;

„But, what most institutions did was simply to treat the Web as a utility for delivering content — as if that was the primary mission of the university. Well, that took the pressure off their having to understand the Web, but it also basically removed the opportunity at most institutions for colleagues to try to understand the Web deeply. I think this did great harm.“

„And while I don’t think we need a complete overturning of all scholarly or pedagogical practice, we do need to identify the key interventions, and wean ourselves away from an automated, faux-personalized approach to „content delivery“.“

Marke 1:14:50

Maciej Ceglowski (@baconmeteor), How to fight the feudal internet

How to fight the feudal internet – @baconmeteor makes the case for regulation of tech in Europe. Love the quotes.

— Christian Friedrich (@friedelitis) June 5, 2017


Marke 1:26:05

Doug Belshaw, 3 reasons I’ll not be returning to twitter

Marke 1:29:30

Roger Sollenberger, Pastemagazine; How the Trump-Russia Data Machine Games Google to Fool Americans;

Marke 1:31:40

Jesse Stommel & Sean Michael Morris, If bell hooks Made an LMS: Grades, Radical Openness, and Domain of One’s Own

„We shouldn’t pre-determine the shape of a student’s learning environment before that student even arrives upon the scene. And I say “we” pointedly, because even if we aren’t implicated in the code of the LMS, all of us in education are in some way implicated in its use.“

„Because the learning management system is a red herring, a symptom of a much larger beast that has its teeth on education: the rude quantification of learning, the reduction of teaching to widgets and students to data points.“

„The problem is systemic. We build systems that reflect our values, and that is what LMS-makers have done.“

„Andrew Rikard continues, “The domains project isn’t revolutionary to the traditional classroom, but it is revolutionary to a classroom reimagined around public scholarship, student agency and experimentation.” This is key. We don’t need an alternative LMS. The LMS does it’s job just fine. We need pedagogical approaches that help Domain of One’s Own make the LMS irrelevant. When students take learning into their own hands, they have no use for learning management systems.“

Marke 1:37:00

Hörempfehlung: Logbuch Netzpolitik

Hörempfehlung: Open Science Radio OSR082

Hörempfehlung: Contrafabulists 56

Marke 1:40:00

Rubrik: Größter Blödsinn der Woche

Pinboard kauf delicious

Mary Meeker Internet Trends

Ausschreibung Machbarkeitsstudie Nationale Plattform für die Hochschullehre;

Marke 1:45:20

Was wir tun werden


Workshop in Weimar (OER-Projekt Jointly)
VFH Symposium Lübeck
Workshop im Rahmen des Think Tanks Weiterbildung SH


Virtually Connecting
Website Migration
Konzeption & Planung

Twitter Mentions