CW: body horror, snakes, violence, tyrannical politicians

Yarrow’s Folly slumps amidst golden fields and laden orchards, lost in the drunken stupor of an eternal late autumn sunset. Pine smoke rises from the ovens, canes and briars tangle wildly over each other, and nothing changes. Nothing has changed here for a very long time.

But no autumn lasts forever. Ripeness has turned to rot, and berries spoil on the bramble. A change is needed, whether winter’s harshness, spring’s revels, or summer’s lush beauty.

Amidst all this, Lady Esmerelda Cortada of the Fanciest Jigs leads a dangerous new friend down a dangerous path. Tingley Grimbles gives some advice (for better or worse) and learns a little about where they come from. And Fimbly Dun pays the price of playing games with wicked, untame things...

Follow the show (@FeelingsFirst_)

Hosted by Luke (@wildwoodsgames)

Starring Ashley (@Ashley_Nova_), Gwen (@waspfloss), and Finbar (@FinbarDS)

Edited by Finbar.

Cover art by Eric Vulgaris (@EricVulgaris)

Under Hollow Hills by Meguey Baker (@NightSkyGames) and Vincent Baker (@lumpleygames), and available at

Music - Origo Vitae by Dan-O (
Licensed under Creative Commons (Attribution Waived with Donation) 4.0