CW: Body grotesqueness/horror

The circus is in town! Fey both fair and forlorn, single file in front of the fearsome faced troll to get your tickets. Open to one and all, enjoy the sights and sounds of our magnificent show!

It’s time for the show at the Grand Chamblry, and while Fimbly Dun tries to find his way into the good graces of his audience, Tingley Grimbles prepares a performance that will leave a mark on the hearts of these fairies. Meanwhile, in the wings, Esmerelda braces for her moment in the place she has always herself found most comfortable, centre stage

Follow the show (@FeelingsFirst_)

Hosted by Luke (@wildwoodsgames)

Starring Ashley (@Ashley_Nova_), Gwen (@waspfloss), and Finbar (@FinbarDS)

Edited by Finbar.

Cover art by Eric Vulgaris (@EricVulgaris)

Under Hollow Hills by Meguey Baker (@NightSkyGames) and Vincent Baker (@lumpleygames), and available at

Music - Origo Vitae by Dan-O (
Licensed under Creative Commons (Attribution Waived with Donation) 4.0