I remember the days that I would lie awake at night wishing I was where I am today. I remember asking whoever is up there in the big bright sky to help me feel better. I wanted to be excited to wake up in the morning. I yearned for joy and laughter daily. I dreamed of confidence to start my own business. One moment sticks out the most, I was kneeling on my floor, I hadn’t showered in a couple of days, I had been eating like crap and I felt even worse. I began to cry. I sat there tears flooding down my face asking if this is it. I spoke out loud claiming I was ready. What I was ready for, who knows but I was definitely ready for something. The next day I called a therapist to get some help and a month later I found mySelf right smack dab in the middle of my first session with a holistic coach instead. It was the best decision I have ever made and I will 100% have a coach for the rest of my life. You might be rolling your eyes thinking, ‘like a life coach’ and my answer, yep, just like that. 

          Here’s a little of my story with the term coach. When I became a yoga teacher I prided mySelf on that title. This was my first step into the holistic healing world and I was so excited to be a part of it. What I didn’t know at that time all bright-eyed and new to the industry is that there are SO many layers to holistic health that many of us have not even been introduced to and Life Coaching is one of them. In western culture, we have been taught to move our bodies to stay fit and to watch what we eat but how many of us are really consulting professionals to learn what exactly that means for us individually. Many of us wander around feeling pretty crappy in one way or another and think that’s the norm because that has become our normal. I am here to tell you that is not how we as humans are designed to feel and it is our responsibility to help ourSelves out of our pain. I tried a therapist and that modality didn’t help me feel better. I tried going to the doctors to get my blood work but they didn’t see me as a whole person. And in the past, this is where I would have stopped and maybe so would you but something in me this time was different. I was determined to feel better and that’s just what I would do. 

          I finally landed in my ayurvedic naturopath’s office and that was the first time in over a decade I felt seen, heard and held in the ways I was searching for. Ayurveda is a holistic form of healing that brings awareness to our bodies, minds and emotions and treats us in different ways depending on what we are feeling. This was the first time I had even been introduced to something like this and I needed more. I began to see Vanesa bi-weekly to nourish me back from burn-out, to help bring my period back and to get my body on the right track. A few months later we tackled moving through my emotions and mindset and the magic just kept coming. This investment that I was making in mySelf was helping me feel better and this cycle was so awesome that I just had to continue. As I nursed mySelf back to health I realized I wanted to shift from being a yoga teacher to becoming a healer of sorts. I just knew that I had to help women see their bodies as a whole but how. Many suggested the word coach to me but I just couldn’t get past the story in my head that told me a coach is not a real job. On the other hand with all the goodness and results I was receiving as I dove into this world the more I desired more. This is what led me right into my first coaching program. 

          I came across a vibrant coach online through a friend who was making the same transition as me. I thought this would be safe because she tried it first. I took the online pre-recorded course and I was hooked. I learned new life tools for time management, ways to increase daily joy and how to set boundaries in my life to feel better in conversation with family and friends with less shame and guilt. I needed more. I dove headfirst into my first group live coaching program after that. The theme of this program was all around money and making more of it. I learned new ways to make money, new ways to call money in and ways to become more comfortable with money all around. I needed more. I kept going down this rabbit whole learning and absorbing until I moved through my stigma of a coach and really learned their value. You guessed it, not long after I took on the title of coach. What kind of coach you ask, a Feminine Power Coach. I still feel awkward at times saying it out loud because the title isn’t on google. But this is what I do, I help womxn feel whole as themSelves through teaching them to embody their mindset, movement and emotions because we are so much more than just a body. This transition happened because I made the choice to feel better and that I believed I could. This was possible because of my coaches. 

          So why the heck do you need a coach if you don’t have one already. The list could be a million pages long but I’ve narrowed it down to 5 key points that just rocked my world and evolvement and hope they will you too - 


Accountability  New life tools + skills  Someone without your blinders on  Support + guidance 


New growth + personal development opportunities 

          Accountability is huge and that is why it’s number one. I know from experience making a list of all the things I need to do to feel better. You know the ones, eat healthier, go outside more, take more breaks, blah blah blah. But when and how do you actually start doing them? I remember knowing what I had to do for months but not doing it. This is where a coach comes in. They aren’t only a light post to hold you accountable they help you dive into this work in bite-size amounts to not feel overwhelmed. They share new life tools and skills with you to feel better along the way and that really adds value to YOUR life. They work with you to find ways to bring simplicity to your life and not overcomplicate the steps to take to feel better. A coach is great because it’s a third party perspective without your blinders on. I’ve got close friends I talk to but it’s just not the same as going to a trained professional that’s able to not just be a soundboard but also provide feedback that’s unbiased and that always has your best interest in mind. In my coaching programs I was able to hit new levels of personnel growth I didn’t know were possible. This is because coaches are doing the world, integrating into themSelves and then bringing the magic to you. 

You don’t want to spend as much money but you can’t seem to save - there’s a coach for that 

You have a hard time communicating in your relationships - there’s a coach for that 

You are craving more life balance - there’s a coach for that 

          This all to say there is more to the medical and health system that we’ve been taught. There are thousands of holistic tools, routes to shift into before thinking that this is the only way. Dare I ask, have you tried any? Have you taken the time to reach out to others or to new ways to feel better? I didn’t think I could feel better either. The western medical system told me I had depression at some points, anxiety at others and one time I was even prescribed medication that wasn’t even addressing something real in my body. The holistic route was my savior and I think it could be for a lot of the collective. Let’s take the time to slow down and support ourSelves in the real ways we need to. Getting a coach is not selfish. Do it, you won’t regret it. 

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