Paige Penny, a passion-filled, feminine leader here to help us all lean more into our innate sensual nature, shares with us all the magic of a sacred soak and why they are non-negotiable in her routine.


Paige is a feminine life coach here to help womxn stand in their true power and really come back to intimacy with themSelves. She specializes in grief, shadow and conscious relationship work with yourSelf and others and truly embodying all of the above. Paige shares her journey back to intimacy with herSelf. We dive into her daily rituals and why they always come first and how after major loss, bathing saved her or rather found her. She shares how bathing helped her nurture herSelf, listen to herSelf and honour herSelf when it could have been easy not to. From here we go down the rabbit hole of how her creation of Sacred Soaks came about and why she just needed to get it to us womxn too. Paige spent time away from her partner to do this deep dive inward, so you knoooowwww I ask how those partnership conversations went down! 


We also chat about . . .

How to listen to your intuitive nudges

What a modern-day coven is

Leaning into your masculine vs. your feminine energy

How to create daily ritual in your life + the importance

How to honour yourSelf in partnership


Connect with Paige . . .

Instagram| Her Website

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