Stella Artuso is a multi-faceted yoga teacher in Montreal. In this episode she shares with us how to begin the important internal journey of syncing with our lunar cycle and the power that it can bring into our lives. 

The Interview

Stella is sensual and intuitive by nature and shares her beauty and journey throughout this episode. She dives into her personal journey of cycle syncing and how this  system found her at a cross roads in her career life and personal life. She dives into this magic and how it led her down the path to teach it to others. We talk about feminine health in the modern day world, feminine health in business as well as other areas you may not connect our cycle to. Stella shares how our energy is affected with our cycle and how we can begin to track this within our own bodies. She shares what to be mindful of each week of our cycle and how she shifts her routine to listen to her body as the she moves through her month. This episode is full of information for the modern day women looking to embody ancient wisdom and is a must listen for all women! 

We also chat about:

Sacred cacao ceremonies 

Nutrition for bleed week

The patriarchal society and our conditioning as women in a man's world

Our cycle and how it correlates with the nature around us

Self-care rituals to tap into our divine feminine wisdom 


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