
We all see the moon, we all admire the moon but do you allow yourSelf to lean into the power and energy of the moon? Today I dive into my journey with syncing my whole life with the lunar cycle. Every phase of the moon carries a different energy and when you begin to tune into the subtle changes in your energy throughout the month, you begin to see how effective it is for productivity to sync up too. Each phase of the moon brings a different frequency of energy that helps support different areas of your life. We chat about how to begin to sync our daily routine and activities up with this energy and all the magical benefits behind it. 

We also chat about . . .

Different rituals for different times of the month

Body Movement for each phase of the 

The masculine 24-hour clock vs. the feminine 28-day clock

The difference between full moon and energy and new moon energy

What your unique lunar cycle means within it all

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