
Growing up in a man's world, it's natural for us as females to play small or pick up energies that aren't authentic to us! The femme wound is something embedded deeply into our DNA as women and we dive into how to begin the shift in this episode. Wounded feminine energy looks like competition with each other, insecurity to do what we love and low self-esteem in life in general (just to name a few). Erin shares her journey with healing + continuing to heal all of the limiting beliefs that are given to us as women and how to begin to re-wire what no longer is serving you in this realm of your life. Women's innate power comes from working in groups, in tribes and sharing feedback along the way . . . things that many of us have yet to be taught or feel comfortable in. THAT STOPS TODAY! 

We also chat about: 

The wounded masculine and what that looks like

How to create a more positive inner dialogue 

Ways to start to work with other women without comparing

How to begin trusting yourSelf on a deeper level


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Ladies, it's time to strip it down, share our magic, and rise together. Tune in weekly on Mondays and Thursdays for new episodes; solo + interview style.