I remember the first time I heard the term Human Design. I was listening to a podcast while cruising to Montreal and I remember being really confused about all the energy types and terms and wondering what the heck they were talking about. For some reason, that day stuck with me. A few years later I really began to dive into my inner world. I slowly became more intuned with Reiki, astrology and you guessed it, HUMAN DESIGN. I landed my butt in a group coaching program that helped us integrate our Human Design into our brand. I quickly learned that this stuff was life-changing and I needed more of it. The coaches that were facilitating this training lived across the country, I had never learned from them before and I was amazed at what they already seemed to know about me and who I am solely off my Human Design energy type. I honestly had never felt so understood and felt so seen. As I learned more on how to essentially become the most authentic version of mySelf I noticed my clarity increasing and my income going up. I absolutely knew from that point forward I had to help others align fully with who they are and there is no turning back now. Now, what the heck is this Human Design thing anyways? 

          Human Design is a system that helps us understand and show up completely as ourSelves. It helps us honor our differences from one another and actually really celebrate the instead of shy away from them.  Human Design tells us each how we communicate most effectively with others as well as where we may be giving our energy or power away due to our open centers. This system is able to tell you where your superpowers are… yep, we’ve all got them. Human Design teaches us how our energy operates on this confusing thing we call earth. We can learn how we manifest more effectively, where our fear lives in our body and where we each make our decisions from. Hint hint, none of us make decisions from our head. This energy led operating system helps us really see ourSelves for who we are and really gives us permission to be exactly who we feel we are deep down inside. Human Design does not take into consideration past conditioning along your journey because it doesn’t need to. BUT it can teach you where your conditioning was picked up which leads to your first steps to releasing old patterns that no longer serve you.  It is the blueprint of you and why you are here on this earth, your purpose for lack of a better term. Human Design is like a magical combination somewhere between astrology and Myers Briggs. Think if we were robots, this would be our how-to manual and how frickin cool that we each have our own one! 

          We are all designed to make a decision differently and we all have a different inner authority, Human Design teaches us to trust our own unique way and actually tells you what that is. When I was in school all I remember learning is how to do things; how to add, subtract, spell and move my body. I wasn’t taught how to feel things and just be me. I felt for a long time that I was misunderstood in the school system because I was more sensitive to energy and feelings. I felt forced to do things and take classes that I really didn’t like. I am not the only one who feels this way and had this experience growing up and THIS is why Human Design should be taught in schools. Many of us hated our school experience and the other half didn’t even notice because they were just doing what they were told. But I ask, why don’t teachers help us learn how to be? We aren’t being taught to just be in schools and society continues to run at hyper speed creating this false urgency in all of us to do more. Yes, there are some energy types in human design that are here to go go go but there are also some that are not. So teaching the kids that don’t operate at a go go go speed to do that, is quite literally asking them to be someone who they are not.

          I see you looking at me and asking, but how do we learn and integrate this stuff … I just NEED to know. I am happy to report that so many more people are learning the Human Design System and integrating into their way of life. And a fun fact for all of you entrepreneurs out there, leaning into and embodying your energy type actually makes you more magnetic for your business, just saying! The best way to learn this is to have your blueprint read and have someone coach you on how to bring this to life in your daily routine. There are different layers in this system and it’s important they come into your consciousness one at a time.  As I said, there are many more people doing this now so it’s quite available all around you. What you will learn from your blueprint is where your inner authority is. We each have an internal driver, kind of like a deep inner compass or knowing but we’ve been taught not to listen to it. Human Design helps you learn where that drive lives in you and how to relearn to listen. Each energy type also has what I like to call a lighthouse. This lighthouse is a sure sign when you are out of alignment with your energy and you can use it as a gentle nudge to tune back into you. This lighthouse comes through as one, just one emotion in each of us, and when we know what that is, stepping back into alignment becomes easier and easier as you practice. Last but surely not least this wonderful system tells you where your fear lives and what those fears are… yep WHAT, YOUR DEEP VERY REAL FEARS ARE. When we learn what fear energy lives in us, we then get to decide to move through it because we understand it more. 

          We are all energetic beings but I know I was not taught that growing up. I know energy is a tough one to understand because we can’t see it. Think of it like this, you love your partner or your parents or a friend but you can’t see love right? It’s a feeling. When you feel angry you know that you’re angry but you can’t actually see your anger, can you? Yes, we see signs of anger but the feeling itself is not visible to the eye. Because feelings and energy are hard to see with the eye we focus on all of the more logical aspects of life that are ‘easier’ to understand rather than allowing our right side brain to play in the imagination realm. THIS is why Human Design should be taught in school. This is why everyone needs to learn + embody their design. There is so much more to how we learn and operate than meets the eye and we are taught none of it. We are not taught our magical unicorn superpowers, instead, we are taught to all be the same. Human Design helps us understand our innermost world and to truly take care of our own emotional well being. Human Design changed my life and taught me to love aspects of mySelf I never thought I could. I just know that this will change your life too! 


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