Do you ever feel like income numbers are tossed around with no meaning or context?  This week my guest, Ellen Yin and I, came together to talk about how to demand more financial transparency in the online industry specifically. 

Ellen is the founder & host of Cubicle to CEO® and bootstrapped her first $300 freelance project into over $2 million in revenue by age 28.  In this episode, we share how to read through the smoke and mirrors of finances and how paid partnerships can be an organic and powerful way to grow profit inside your business.

Join me on November 28th for the Know What To Charge Workshop.  I’ll share the 3 mistakes coaches make when pricing their offers that keep them broke.

Inside the workshop, you’ll discover:

How to take the guesswork out of your pricing and have total confidence in your offers.

The 3 critical mistakes coaches make when pricing their offers.

Why “charge your worth” is nonsense and what to do instead.

You will walk away knowing exactly how much your services are worth, and you’ll be able to say your price confidently…without blushing.

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