Have you ever had that feeling like who you are and what you’re doing are not in sync? Maybe like you have some amazing talent that’s not being fully utilized or rewarded. Or that you’re fed up with work and just want a change—but are not sure how to make it happen. Well, if so, you’ve landed in the right place. I’m Steven Rudolph and this is the Feed Your Tigers podcast. 

Feed your tigers is for people who want to live life the way they want it to be—not necessarily the way that it’s turned out. And I’m here to tell you that this is absolutely possible—when you identify your natural abilities (your tigers) and align them effectively with what you do (that’s the feeding part).

In each episode of Feed Your Tigers, I share with you tools and ideas that I developed on a 25-year journey to India and the East. And this will help you in a number of ways.

You’ll be able to understand what exactly your talents areMake better career decisionsBring yourself into balance when you get out of whackYou’ll learn how to increase your energy and productivity, naturallyreduce conflict and  strengthen relationshipsand leverage others’ talents so you get to do more of the things you love doing, and less of the things you don’t

The FYT podcast airs weekly and lasts 30-40 minutes. It includes a mix of interviews and cohosted sessions with some incredible, authentic people—and sometimes just me going solo. You can find the show on your favorite podcast station and our website feedyourtigers.com.

So what are you waiting for? Click the Subscribe button, and start feeding your tigers—before they eat you!