A lady the internet has dubbed “Permit Patty” recently called the police to report an 8-year-old entrepreneur for selling water bottles without a permit. Why do so many have such a deeply ingrained permission-based mindset and predilection to tattletale? Is it inculcated in school? The FEEcasters recount some of their own childhood experiences as renegade entrepreneurs. Our permission culture creates many barriers to entry that keep industries stagnant and entry-level workers and entrepreneurs poor. The FEEcast crew discuss many types of entry barriers, from minimum wages to internet sales taxes, plus a recent significant Supreme Court decision on labor unions and worker rights.

Show Notes:

Why "Permit Patty" Called the Cops on an 8-Year-Old Entrepreneur

Schools Have Created a Generation of Permit Pattys and BBQ Beckys

My Childhood as a Renegade Entrepreneur

Without the State, Who Will Handcuff Teens for Selling Water Bottles?

Lemonade Stands Legalized in Utah

Country Time Lemonade Takes a Stand for Child Entrepreneurs

The Internet Sales Taxes Will Hurt Small Businesses and Make Online Shopping More Expensive

The European Union Has Been Spamming Your Inbox… and That’s Not the Worst of It

Supreme Court Strikes Down Mandatory Union Fees for Public Employees