From Kendall Jenner to Elizabeth Warren, cultural appropriation is in the news. And coverage of the topic always ramps up as Halloween approaches. Who is allowed to dress up as whom? What should we consider offensive, and how should we respond to offense taken by others? The FEEcast crew, joined by T.K. Coleman, considers these questions, as well as the economics of Halloween costumes and a recent law passed against adult trick-or-treaters.

Show Notes:

Why Halloween Costumes Used to Be Terrible | Richard Lorenc

Don't Vote Like a Halloweener | Lawrence W. Reed

Halloween Has Been Commercialized Too, Thank Goodness | James Walpole

Peace, Love, and Cultural Appropriation | FEEcast

Cultural Appropriation Is Love | TJ Brown

Cultural Appropriation Is Intellectual Property on Stilts | Pierre-Guy Veer