Previous Episode: Sean Ferguson
Next Episode: Dave Clayton

Welcome to Feasting on Design! I’m your host Jason Frostholm. I know it’s a bit topsy-turvy in the world right now with way Covid–19 has disrupted our day-to-day lives. Whether you’re now working from home, trying to find things to keep your kids busy, or lecturing your boomer parents about going to the YMCA to work out while the virus is still spreading, all of our lives have been disrupted. I hope that this podcast can be an opportunity for you to take your mind off of the never-ending news cycle. Let this be your opportunity to breathe, disconnect from all of our social distancing, and tune in to turn off from the rest of the world—even if it’s for just an hour. Give yourself a mental break from the stress that is out in the world right now. So before we get officially started on this episode, do me a favor try and clear your head of any thoughts, and take a deep breath in through your nose, hold it and count to four, and exhale through your mouth. Great, isn’t that a little better? The next time you’re feeling overwhelmed, just remember to take that deep breath, hold it for a few seconds, and exhale. It’s a great way to reset your brain. So, are you ready to get this show on the road?

Today on Feasting on Design, I’m talking with Nick van der Walle, founder of Astute Graphics. We chat about how he went from a background in design engineering to building a business around graphic design tools, why businesses like Astute Graphics moving to a subscription is a way that allows them to provide better service and innovate faster for their customers, the importance of continuing to learn and why companies should offer training opportunities to their employees, plus a whole lot more.

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You can find out more about Nick on Twitter @eehbyeck and be sure to check out the links in the show notes for more ways to keep up with him. I hope you liked this episode of Feasting on Design, let me know what you think and if you like it leave me a review over on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit to catch up on the archives of the Creative South Podcast, get some cool swag like t-shirts and stickers that are on sale right now for 50% off with free shipping on orders over $25 when you use the code FreeShipping, all one word, plus you can keep up with the podcast on TwitterFacebook, and Instagram @FeastOnDesign, and I’m @jfrostholm on DribbbleTwitter, and Instagram or over on my website

Find out more about Nick van der Walle

Astute Graphics Website

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