I’m excited to announce that I will be the MC of DesignXL, a new design conference taking place November 9th in beautiful Pensacola, Florida. DesignXL is the Florida Panhandle’s FIRST design conference. Join me in this beach town as they feature both local and national talent to excel your skills, grow your network, and further your design education. Tickets are on sale NOW at DesignXL.org – and early bird pricing will get you all access for a limited low price of $129 for professionals, $75 for students.

In addition to the day-of conference, there will be a pre-party mixer the night of November 8th.

Visit DesignXL.org for all the details on speakers, workshops and more!

Today on Feasting on Design, I’m talking with Magge Gagliardi, an educator and illustrator based out of Connecticut. We chat about balancing work & life while teaching at multiple universities and maintaining a professional practice, developing both a technical and conceptual style, and creating beer packaging for multiple brands, plus a whole lot more.

You can find out more about Magge on Twitter at @Magzart and be sure to check out the links in the show notes for more ways to keep up with her. I hope you liked this episode of Feasting on Design, let me know what you think and if you like it leave me a review over on Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Visit feastingondesign.com to catch up on the archives of the Creative South Podcast, get some cool swag like t-shirts and stickers that are on sale right now for 50% off with free shipping on orders over $25 when you use the code FREESHIPPING, all one word, plus you can keep up with the podcast on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram @FeastOnDesign, and I’m @jfrostholm on Dribbble, Twitter, and Instagram.

Find out more about Magge Gagliardi


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