Today on the Creative South Podcast, I’m talking with Jacksonville, Florida based designer, and illustrator Trey Ingram. On top of his freelance design and illustration business, Trey runs Atlantic Ink Crew, a screen printing shop specializing in posters and apparel. We chat about using self-initiated projects to build his skills and garner more work, how being part of a design community has boosted his motivation, running two businesses and all the hats you have to wear, and more, all right after this.

You can find out more about Trey on Twitter @TreyIngram03 and be sure to check out the links in the show notes for more ways to keep up with him. You can keep up with the podcast on Twitter and Facebook @CreativeSoPod, and follow Creative South on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram @CreativeSouthGA or over at, and I’m @jfrostholm on DribbbleTwitter, and Instagram.

Thank you to JakPrints for sponsoring this episode.

Find out more about Trey Ingram:

Find out more about Atlantic Ink Crew:

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