Think about this for a minute.  You've been in a career for over 20 years.  You are well respected, and have a great reputation within the industry and you enjoy what you're doing.  One day, you get the news that you are not needed in the role anymore.  You are 50 years old. In this episode you will meet an inspiring, and enthusiastic woman, that had to chart a new course.  Working her whole life, while raising her family, didn't allow her to make 'her time' a priority.  It was at this time, when change was unexpected, allowed her to recalibrate and find out her true passion. 

This episode will dig into:
What it's like to find out you are no longer needed in your role at 50 years old
Why it is so important to take time and make your time a priority when something unexpected happens and makes you change course.
What custom- tailored corporate wellness looks like and how Kristen forged ahead launching her company in her 50's.
Discussing why it's important to take the risk.  If not now, when?

Kristin Markey: Founder

After spending 20+ years in corporate America, Kristin Markey; mother of three, wife, sales & marketing executive, yogi, outdoor enthusiast and overall health and fitness nut, decided she wanted to create and implement a corporate wellness program in which employees would want to participate.
Here is a link to the company