EPISODE 2: It’s YOU vs YOU. What it takes to REALLY be successful on, and off the stage.

On todays episode I am bringing on my incredible 3x award winning WBBF coach of the year, Nathan Harewood. We came together to bring you an amazing episode about SHOWING UP. There are so many things that make a great competitor…but what does it take to have that mentally on a regular basis in normal life? How do you handle your trials and tribulations with a champion mentality so you can show up for life proactively? How do you pivot and use your setbacks to propel you forward and grow rather than let them scare you into submission?

Topics you can expect in this episode:

-What it takes to be TRULY be successful on, and off the stage.

-The You vs. You mentality

-Why we have both chosen to be a part of the WBFF organization

-Do you want to compete? Or do you just want a good body?

-Catfish accounts + bullsh*t in the online fitness industry

-Why you need to stop chasing money and start chasing what your passionate about

-How to avoid your temptations by figuring out better solutions for yourself and being realistic with your expectations

-How not to get down on yourself when you take a “loss”

-Stage expectations vs reality

-Do you want it, or do you just say you want it?

-How to use “hitting rock bottom” as the foundation on which you rebuild.

-Hardships and roadblocks in the industry over covid

-How to pivot and use setbacks to propel you forward and grow

And much more!! This episode is jam packed!