In solo episode number one, I'm diving into to what it means to truly be able to harness your confidence when you don't know where to start and how to turn your FEARS into FUEL.

Confidence is not something that you're born with, but it it something that can be created. In this episode I touch on the topics of using your fear for fuel and how to starting by get off the sidelines and start putting yourself in the fast track lane of your own life. You're always going to feel like you're not 100% ready...lets talk about it.

Topics to expect in this episode:
- How to live beyond being fearful.
- How to get out of your own head.
- Figuring out what IT is, that's keeping you stagnant.
- What happens when you don't grow up with a confident upbringing.
- It's not going to get easier by not making any moves.
- What happens when you start bottling your fears up and not facing them.
- Why self development is not a linear journey.
- Personal experiences that halted my confidence and how I fought back.
- How to recognize your growth and use it for your development.