EPISODE FIVE: Self Empowerment + Taking The Leap

On today's episode I'm joined by the incredibly inspiring Gabrielle Stone, the best selling author of Eat, Pray FML and the host of the FML Talk Podcast.

Join us as we give you a little background on Gabrielle's incredible journey of turning what seemed to be the worst thing that ever happened to her into her life's success + mission.

Gabrielle shares her background of losing her father tragically when she was seven years old and struggling with abandonment to having the rug vigorously pulled out from underneath her when her husband's affair came to light years later.

She decided that instead of landing flat on her ass, she'd make a career out of it. "Eat, Pray, #FML" was born and so was the beginning of an entire new life for herself where she has been able to share all of the mistakes, lessons and most importantly...how she became a fearless leader from it all.

What you can expect in this episode:

-What exactly happened that created Eat, Pray, #FML?
-What does it mean to have a fear of abandonment and how can that continulously manifest in your life if you do not dismantle it?
-How you can cope, use your fears as tools and become the best version of yourself through your pain.
-Taking risks, risk vs. reward
-Why the "worst thing that's ever happened to you" DOESN'T HAVE TO BE the worst thing that's ever happened to you.
-Connections from social media, universe alignment.
-Post traumatic growth > PTSD/CPTSD
-Fear and trauma can't be pushed under the rug, but what can you do with it?
-What do you do when you hit the fork in the road and decide you don't want to be a victim of your circumstances anymore?
-How to love yourself - PLOT TWIST: There is no instruction manual.
-"The self love cocktail"
-Breaking the cycle... "this sh*t stops here."
-Healing isn't linear
-Ways to combat anxiety
-Gabrielle's "Thought onion" method to release anxiety

+ Much more!

You can find all of Gabrielle's links as well as where to buy her book in the show notes section!