In today's episode I'm with the gorgeous Missy Posterli! Missy is a local here in Vegas who works full time in the nightlife industry and today we are chatting about her balance of self care, work and also being a Mom! Prioritizing yourself and making time for the things that make you feel sane are so important and we take a little dive into what we both did during the shut downs to get ourselves through it as well as when the world opened back up. Missy also talks about what it means to be empowered as a Mom and how to keep your identity. The highs and lows of social media and getting judged for parenting as well as the way we embrace our femininity and sexuality.

Other topics you can expect:

+Self care
What does this look like and what does it mean to us?
What are your habits that you need to get rid of?
What are the habits that you need to create?

+Everything in moderation...including moderation.
#Balance of work and play

+What happened during the pandemic, how we kept our heads on straight.
Job changes, new projects, podcast building and everything in between

+"Mom balance"
Missy talks about how she balances her work, relationship and Mom life while working in the industry.

+Being empowered in your sexuality
Remembering who you are as a female. Not identifying yourself as just a "Mom"
How to not forget who you are and find ways to empower yourself.

+Non negotiables
What do these mean to you, what do "YOU" need everyday to make yourself peaceful?

+TIME - why it's so important.
Quality vs. quantity, making your time count. The time with yourself and the time with your loved ones.

+When you lose yourself...what does that look like?
Burn out, losing your passions, reinventing yourself.
