BELLA FERRARI + Krystyna Lauren

On today’s episode I am very excited to bring on the beautiful Bella Ferrari. Bella moved to Las Vegas in February 2020 to take her CBD Spice company off the ground. Bella was diagnosed with Epilepsy at 23 years dealing with 4-5 seizures a week and has been extremely intrigued with holistic health with a hope that CBD could help her heal. Bella has a line of her own called Lit Spices and has just launched Las Vegas’s first CBD Food Truck this month. Join us as we talk about the build and launches of her company as well as journey of her leaving an abusive marriage, her journey into spirituality and how she’s truly become the best version of herself possible but focusing on healing from the inside out and following her purpose and passion.

What to expect on this episode:

-Bella’s journey out of her divorce and physical abuse to finding spirituality to find her own way again
-Where does the entrepreneurial mindset come from?
-How important meditation is and setting intention for yourself
-Healing yourself from the inside out
-Holistic healing
-What happened over covid that had us pivoting in our businesses
-How you can turn the worst thing that’s ever happened to you into the best thing that ever happened to you
-Aligning yourself with your purpose to find what is right
-Hustle vs alignment
-Allowing yourself to embrace alpha female qualities but also allowing your creative feminine flow to thrive
-What happens when you lose who you are and how do you get it back?
-Welcoming healing energy into your life in ways of places, people and things
-Trusting the universe and how to know you are divinely protected in your journey
-How to listen for signs that you’re in the right direction
-Changing your verbiage about the “bad things” that happened to you and getting out of victim mentality
-Being female in the workplace

+more !