Join us this week as Tiffany Smith joins us to share her incredible story of triumph. From waiting tables to changing her career in her 40's and joining the police force, Tiffany battled all of her demons and childhood trauma to shift her perspectives on what she's been through in her life to completely thrive and use what she's been through for fuel rather than let it break her. From growing up living in survival mode to being a woman to be reckoned with...Tiffany now she's her story to inspire others to break away from the chains that are holding them back to help them understand that it's never to late to change the course of your life and become exactly who you want to be.

Some topics you can expect:
- The "why" behind why Tiffany became a police officer
-Tiffany's background and battle with childhood trauma
-Her journey into the police academy and what that experience was like for her.
-What it means to live in "fight or flight" mode consistently and what that does to your brain
-Survival mode vs. mental toughness
-How trauma affects our futures
-Imposter syndrome
-What effects the academy had on Tiffany's life
-"There's no back door"
-Battling your mind
-Perspective shifting
-Being a female in a male dominated work place
-You are what you know
-How Tiffany deals with people of interest

+ much more!!