Welcome back to the Fearless Presentations podcast. When most of you first started listening to this podcast, it was because you wanted to feel less nervous when you have to stand up and speak before a group. So, most people start listening to try to create a different feeling.

An important thing that we often overlook, though, is that the way that we design a speech will either add to your nervousness or reduce your nervousness. For instance, if you try to write out your presentation word-for-word and memorize it when you stand up to deliver that speech, you will be nervous. The way you prepared for the presentation and the way you created the presentation caused you to be more nervous.

So, on this episode, I'm going to cover an unbelievable simple process to go through to create a presentation from scratch that will reduce your nervousness and cause you to be seen as an exceptional presenter. I'm going to give you the steps in a cursory fashion, so you can use them right away. But if you want more details on any o the steps, I will put a link in the show notes to a blog post that will cover more details.

By the way, Make sure to subscribe to the podcast so you never miss a session. Also, make sure to leave a comment or review if you like the podcast.

For full show notes, see How to Write a Speech in 3 Simple Steps