For the last couple of episodes, I talked about how lucrative a professional speaker career is. Last week, I gave you a few things that have to be in place before you will have a lot of success speaking for a fee.

This week, I'm going to pull back the curtain and show you a step-by-step process of how to start a professional speaking career. By the way, if you don't think of yourself as a professional speaker but you have a following or a way of doing something better, the ideas in this episode will help you develop additional streams of income.

Being a professional speaker is a very lucrative and rewarding profession. But, if you have never actually made money from speaking before, you may be looking into how to start a public speaking career. Just as an FYI, the way that I did it is not the ideal way to become a professional speaker. In fact, when I give advice to new speakers, I tell them to do the opposite of what I did. I’ve now trained over 100 professional speakers over the past 20 years. Many of these presenters are at the top of their industries. Below are a few ideas that may help.

The ideas I share today can help you make public speaking an additional stream of income for you!

Show Notes: How to Start a Public Speaking Career