Are you missing out on something?

Have you felt like there has been something missing in your dietetic education once you are out in the world seeing clients? I know I had, and not to discredit the education, there is just so much we need to know.

In today’s session, I chat with Megan Kniskern about this missing link and what we need to be doing to make some changes.


For over a decade, Megan has been working in the field of eating disorders and nutrition education. She has seen and worked with all sorts of food challenges including - vegans, vegetarians, food allergies, GI distress, substance use disorders, very low body weight, bariatrics - Working with clients, families, and colleagues has been her greatest education and solidified her passion for the field of mental health nutrition; working alongside those who are overcoming, surviving and fighting to have a better relationship with food and their body.

Changes in her personal life, the birth of her second son, led her on an unexpected career shift, as she stepped out of the clinical and treatment settings and into the role of lecturer at Arizona State University. All of her courses include mental health nutrition education, having spent seven years collaborating with intradisciplinary professionals while in leadership roles with Behavioral Health Nutrition (BHN) and the International Federation of Eating Disorder Dietitians (IFEDD). Traveling all over the country, presenting at conferences, to professionals, students, and the public on the critical need to understand eating disorder risks and mental health education. Megan's career doesn't often feel like "work", as she continues to be inspired to speak up about the toll that “diet culture”, trauma and un-supported mental health struggles can have on our lives.

TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: The missing link from our education to seeing clients How to build rapport with clients How to counsel patients with mental health issues MORE FROM MEGAN KNISKERN Website Instagram Facebook Deepen Your Perspectives Course iLiveWell Nutrition and Therapy

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