Every year I swear I need a pause button by the end of February.

In this episode, I share with you how I take time every February, not planned, to look back at my goals I set for the year and truly make sure they are what is best for the practice, me and my life. It's good to pause and reassess your goals.

I also will offer tips on how you can commit to getting the type of rest that fuels you toward greater fulfillment in life and business.

TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS EPISODE: How to check in with your goals Doing work doesn’t mean to hustle Being an owner is not always about working all the time - how I learned this The work of resting and self-care - how to add this to your life This balance is VERY hard for owners because we enjoy the work we enjoy feeling productive How rest and self-care allows you to be a better owner iLiveWell Nutrition and Therapy

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We provide every client with a unique plan that is based on their specific needs. Our practice is based on a positive and supportive approach to helping clients live a healthy life. Our sole objective is to improve our clients’ overall wellness… to look and feel their best from the inside out.

We believe a team's strength is in its people. Join us and make an impact. Click here to learn more about our openings.

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