Do you ever forget where you left your keys or have trouble remembering somebody that you know? Or maybe you're having trouble finding words. If this is happening to you, your body is trying to tell you something about your brain! Brain inflammation can be the reason why you're experiencing these symptoms. In this episode, we discuss how inflammation contributes to brain fog and how to overcome it.


We answer these questions:

- What is brain fog, and what are the symptoms?

- What causes inflammation in the brain?

- How do I beat brain fog?

- What toxins affect brain fog?

- What is the Gut-Brain Connection?

- How does stress lead to brain inflammation?

- Can mold cause brain fog?

- What is the relationship between hormones and brain fog?

- What are early signs of brain deterioration?

Schedule a consultation with Alexis:



Brain support powder:

Blood sugar support powder:

Detox support:

Mitochondria support:

Circulation support:


About Alexis:

My own healing journey began as a very young overweight single mom desiring to lose weight, resolve my nasty headaches and digestive issues. That led me to take a strong interest in human physiology because conventional medicine had no answers for me. I finally put myself through school, lost the weight, started working as a personal trainer and started my own business. After moving to Minnesota, I went back to school and graduated as Valedictorian at the MRI School of Minnesota. As my determination and curiosity grew to find answers to root causes I discovered Functional Medicine and had the good fortune to work for the most regarded functional medicine education company in the industry. Most of my functional medicine training was through Dr. Datis Kharrazian. I am grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from a published Harvard Research Fellow. His training allowed me to be knowledgeable enough to do one-on-one functional medicine training for other physicians in the Austin the Austin and San Antonio areas for 4 years. I most recently have earned my certification as a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner to broaden my knowledge and add to my clinical skills. I find nothing more rewarding than changing lives and having a personal connection with my clients.


Dr. Ann-Marie Barter is a Functional Medicine and Chiropractic Doctor at Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic. She is the clinic founder of Alternative Family Medicine & Chiropractic that has two offices: one in Longmont and one in Denver. They treat an array of health conditions overlooked or under-treated by conventional medicine, called the "grey zone".