The holidays are here and they are the most wonderful time of the year. But they can also be one of the most stressful times. This year in general, it's brought a lot of change, doubt, fear, and uncertainty. As a newer dad, you want the best memories for your kid(s). Working any which way to bring a smile to their face. But what people don't see is the pain you have inside. The dark hallway you're walking in your mind trying to find a way out. 


We all have our own rock bottom. Something that we feel we could never fall lower. But what if your "Rock Bottom" was your springboard to a better life? What if you had it in you to go and rise higher than you've ever seen? This episode is hoping to help in just that. 


Dave shares what was his rock bottom, and how his lowest point, helped propel him higher than ever before. How he felt like he was the only one, how he thought no one would understand what he felt, how he felt useless. 


Three things to take out of this episode:

1. We all have our rock bottom. It may be better than someone else's, but it's ours.

2. What if that spot you were in was the test to move you further than you've been? 

3. Taking small steps will lead to a greater outcome. Taking a rebuilding year will be greater than you know. 

*bonus* Your past never defines you. It helps turn you into who you need to be.


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