Today on the Fearless Fathers Podcast, Dave-O sits down with the father of 2 and personal trainer, Pat Davy. Pat hails from the land of cheese, (no not France, that would be cool) Wisconsin. Pat hosts a Podcast with his daughter, Alora “Beast Mode Kids” which focuses on bridging the gap of communication between parents and their preteens/teens. BMK began as a way for Pat and Alora to grow closer.


But we aren’t talking all BMK today. Pat agreed to sit down with us and talk about how he became Alora’s dad. See, Pat had all intentions of being in the stepdad role, but when Alora was six, he adopted her as his own. We go in-depth with Pat’s thoughts, feelings, and fears as he stepped from being content with being a stepdad to being a loving, true dad.

Three things we hope you take away from today’s episode.

When stepping into the parent role from the outside, be receptive, and communicate with your spouse.
Fear has a way to control us but uses it to grow. Don’t be afraid to fail.
No matter if you adopted your child, are a stepparent, or have your natural children, you will never love your kids all the same way.


Be sure to check out “Beast Mode Kids Podcast” wherever you can find podcasts. You can find the Apple link here and Spotify here.