Today on the show, we have a father of one Tim Kephart from Pennsylvania. Tim has another child on the way, and works for a Fortune 500 company. By all accounts, Tim seems to have a comfortable life. But it wasn't always this way for him.

Tim fought his demons in battling with addiction for many years. His addiction caused him to be kicked out of the National Guard before getting through his first enlistment. His mental health took him on a journey where he thought he could find a life out of depression. It was an internal struggle of letting his demons control his life. Even when his son was born, he still had a road ahead.

After going through the rehab roulette, he found Jesus which helped propel him to break free and be sober since 2017. 

The stigma surrounding depression is one that doesn't get talked about much but should be in the conversation more. Here are three takeaways in today's episode:

1. Hindsight is 20/20.

2. Knowing you may fail after winning, but rising using that as a catapult to higher places.

3. Have mindfulness in our everyday living. 

Continue to fight everyday for your kid(s). Embrace who you are, and rise higher than you've ever gone!

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