We've all heard it in one form or another. Either solicited or unsolicited. The advice that's canned, overused, or just plain bad. YOu know it when you hear it, and tend to brush it off. But... what has taken that advice cost you? A chance at getting uncomfortable? Keeping you tied to old, toxic family traits that don't serve you? A chance at actually feeling like a good father?

All of these happen in one form or another. You can't stop what people say to you, but you can control how to react and respond internally to what advice people give you. That's what Dave is harping on today. 

Use this as a chance to spring into the week fresh, motivated, and ready to tackle whatever comes your way. We have your back.

Do you ever feel like your just not the best father? Have you felt like you could grow more like a man? Head over to https://mailchi.mp/c60365a67670/harnessthepower today and get your five ways to becoming a fearless father for free.

"You are the average of the five people you associate with the most". Those words by Jim Rohn are very true. So head over to https://www.facebook.com/groups/fatherspodcast today and join a growing community of like-minded dads who want to have fun, grow who they are, and be a fearless father.