Kids love to put random 4-week old chicken nuggets in their mouths, right? So taking care of our kid's teeth should be easy, right? Right?! 


Well, that's not always the case, sadly. Oral health for our little ones is crucial to having a healthy mouth and teeth well into adulthood. Having the routine and making it something that kids want to do seems like a wish? 


The American Dental Association (ADA) states to have your child visit the dentist six months after their first tooth, but no later than their first birthday. As dads, are we making sure we're doing the things right to keep that smile healthy? Are we missing something when it comes to good oral health? Are we just losing our minds when nightly brushing becomes another Wrestlemania match? We answer (most) of these and more today. 




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The Fearless Fathers Dropped A course! 

That's right, we teamed up with the awesome people over at and released our FIRST COURSE! "The New Father's Survival Guide: Breaking the Stigma of New Fatherhood". Be some of the first to listen and learn the top things Dave and Ryan found to be the hardest-hitting stigmas we faced as new dads, and how we overcome those to be Fearless Fathers. 

You can listen to the course FOR FREE, by signing up here and getting 14 days free on


Want to know the secrets we use to embrace the fog of fatherhood? Have you felt like there is one piece missing to being a stronger man? Get our Five Tips To Becoming A Fearless Father For Free! Head over to: today and start harnessing the power.

Become a part of a growing community of dads fighting their mindsets and becoming True Fearless Fathers! Head over to today.