Today, Dave O and Ryan are talking about intervening in your child's growth or letting them figure it out on their own? 


Let's break down what we mean by that. What's a better approach to helping our children navigate the world? Should we step in every time and input our own teachings and experience, or should we let them fall, get up, and figure it out? 

We feel both of these are the right answer (at different times). There isn't a clear-cut example of this, and the line is faintly drawn. We break down three different meanings of Intervening in our child's lives. 

They are:

1. Intervening when they are in a fight

2. Your Child Intervening In Your Life

3. Intervening in their Schooling


We share some articles from three different sources, our thoughts, experiences, and how we have gone about this. 

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Ref used:




In Your Problems:


In A Fight: