Welcome to part 2 of our sit down with Evan Nimke. The dad behind ViralDads on Instagram. 


If you missed part 1, you missed some AMAZING content. Evan talked about his life as a stay at home dad. From why he became one, his struggles, his wins, strengths and so much more. Don't miss it, check it out now. 


Today, we pick up where we left off. We're talking about Evans passion projects. The things that put a smile on his face. Thats helping other people. Evan runs THREE seperate projects. 

Evan tells us why he started ViralDads and how he handled getting over 50k followers in a years time. Why he self-published a kids book and now selling it on Amazon, and why he started "Be A Good Human Today" with his wife.

Go check out Evan and all his work. You can find him on Instagram @ViralDads @this.american.dad @goodhumantoday @goodhumanbooks

Find his children's book "H is for Happy: An Emoji Book on Feelings" at Amazon Today!