You put them on every day. The same shows/movies/songs over and over and over. It's become such a familiar background noise, and you're just about ready to throw the TV out the window. 

Have you ever just sat there and watched the show? What if these pre-school/early childhood development/children's shows can enhance our perspective as dads? 

Today, DaveO and Ryan share their thoughts on kid's shows (new and old) and things they have learned and seen themselves that help in their parenting adventure. You may even get some more ideas in the way of enhancing that learning for your child.


The Fearless Fathers Dropped A course! 

That's right, we teamed up with the awesome people over at and released our FIRST COURSE! "The New Father's Survival Guide: Breaking the Stigma of New Fatherhood". Be some of the first to listen and learn the top things Dave and Ryan found to be the hardest-hitting stigmas we faced as new dads, and how we overcome those to be Fearless Fathers. 

You can listen to the course FOR FREE, by signing up here and getting 14 days free on


Want to know the secrets we use to embrace the fog of fatherhood? Have you felt like there is one piece missing to being a stronger man? Get our Five Tips To Becoming A Fearless Father For Free! Head over to: today and start harnessing the power.

Become a part of a growing community of dads fighting their mindsets and becoming True Fearless Fathers! Head over to today.